What is the difference between liberals and conservatives and why can´t those two work togheter? Many people are confused about how these groups think and what they want to achieve. What´s the even more important question: Which group do I belong to? If you´d like to find out, read on!
So let´s talk about liberals. Liberals are mostly democrats and really care about social issues and want them to be solved. They are also really intrested in other cultures and want to try new thinks. Liberals are more likley to think faster and more flexible.
Conservatives , on the other hand, are mostly republicans and don´t won´t any rules to be changed. They count on a strong millitary, have a really structered mind and are really organised. Conservatives also have better thinking stratepies suited to conflicting information.
As you can probably imagine people with these ideologie can´t really discuse problems and stay with the idea that everythink the other say is immediately wrong. This comes from the fact that when they talk to eachother they are using a language that adresses people with their own attidude.
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