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A Message from Marinel Ubaldo | EP01 Climate Dispatches | Oxfam UK

This is Marinel’s story. Climate Dispatches 1/3
Produced in collaboration with @WaterBearNetwork

Marinel Ubaldo’s family was a victim of Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, which sparked her journey to #ClimateActivism and organizing the first climate strike in her country. Her story is our story. We are all vulnerable to the #ClimateCrisis.

To build a fairer future for us all, we need to make the biggest polluters pay for the climate crisis they’ve created. Join the call to #MakePollutersPay – Sign the petition at

Climate Dispatches
Voices at the frontline of climate change too often go unheard, sidelined at world summits and in the media. Making the invisible, visible, Climate Dispatches are designed to raise these urgent stories through immersive audio-visual postcards imagined in full colour.

This inaugural series partners with Oxfam to deliver the evocative testimonies of three young climate activists bravely sharing their personal lived experiences in Peru, Kenya and The Philippines. Stirring outrage and hope in equal parts, each dispatch asks us to witness climate inequality like never before, provoking us to join the fight for justice to make polluters pay.
Let’s see what they see, and make their stories our stories.

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Written by Option

Option ist eine idealistische, völlig unabhängige und globale “social media Plattform” zu Nachhaltigkeit und Zivilgesellschaft, 2014 gegründet von Helmut Melzer. Gemeinsam zeigen wir positive Alternativen in allen Bereichen auf und unterstützen sinnvolle Innovationen und zukunftsweisende Ideen – konstruktiv-kritisch, optimistisch, am Boden der Realität. Die Option-Community widmet sich dabei ausschließlich relevanten Nachrichten und dokumentiert die wesentlichen Fortschritte unserer Gesellschaft.

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Huwaida – helping her community in the most difficult time | OGB | Oxfam UK

Meet Marinel – Climate Activist – Philippines | Oxfam GB | Oxfam UK