Neil and his wife, Dorothy have been inspired to support Oxfam and ‘do their bit to help build a better world’ by Neil’s mother’s lifetime of volunteering for Oxfam shops. With their inheritance from his mother, they gave a significant gift to Oxfam to honour her memory and recognise her lifetime of support for Oxfam. They also talk of how they have left 3% of their residual estate to Oxfam in both their wills and would encourage everyone to do so, if they can afford to. “We live in a global village and we all simply have to help each other.”
Let’s finish the work we started. As an Oxfam supporter, you believe a fairer world is worth fighting for. A gift in your Will could help people who share your values in the future to keep fighting for that world. For as long as they need to. We’ve laid the groundwork together. We’ve shown the world what can be achieved. So leave a gift in your Will to Oxfam – and give the next generation the chance to finish the work we started.