Linda sees Oxfam as a keyplayer in the fight against poverty and injustice. Linda’s belief that we are all here ‘to do more than just look after ourselves’ is reflected in her involvement in community projects, in her career as a social worker and her decision to leave her legacy to charities. Oxfam’s work covers a variety of issues she cares about from the environment, the impact of climate change on the world’s poorest, to women’s rights and tackling inequality in all its forms.
Let’s finish the work we started. As an Oxfam supporter, you believe a fairer world is worth fighting for. A gift in your Will could help people who share your values in the future to keep fighting for that world. For as long as they need to. We’ve laid the groundwork together. We’ve shown the world what can be achieved. So leave a gift in your Will to Oxfam – and give the next generation the chance to finish the work we started.