Nicky is a passionate activist for women’s rights who, after recently moving house, updated her will to include a gift to Oxfam. Find out more here
Nicky talks eloquently about the power of that gift for many generations to come. “I feel massive happiness that I am not just leaving everything to my family, but that I am doing something for people I don’t know. Especially now, that is so important, showing a love and a care for people you will never meet. It is a huge pleasure.”
Let’s finish the work we started. As an Oxfam supporter, you believe a fairer world is worth fighting for. A gift in your Will could help people who share your values in the future to keep fighting for that world. For as long as they need to. We’ve laid the groundwork together. We’ve shown the world what can be achieved. So leave a gift in your Will to Oxfam – and give the next generation the chance to finish the work we started.