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Who is really paying for the climate crisis? | Greenpeace UK

Who is really paying for the climate crisis? The world’s leading climate scientists just released the new IPCC report, focusing on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerabilities. It shows yet again, that the climate crisis is felt everywhere but not equally. And it raises questions about how we deal with climate impacts, especially for those most affected. Let’s talk about it!


Produced by: Marie Jacquemin, Daniela Arguello, Ali Deacon

What we weren’t able to cover but is really interesting:
Progress on Loss and Damage at COP27 should involve supporting the establishment of a financing facility to provide financial assistance particularly amongst vulnerable communities already reeling from devastating climate impacts. Philanthropic organisations have already offered initial funds to support this initiative, and governments from richer nations now need to contribute. The financing facility should not draw funds from Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM), which would just allow polluters to keep polluting and not keep the focus on countries who have the most responsibility for emissions paying their fair share. Other means of finance should be considered, like special drawing rights to cancel debt and support climate vulnerable countries to redirect funds towards climate adaptation and resilience.


Written by Option

Option ist eine idealistische, völlig unabhängige und globale “social media Plattform” zu Nachhaltigkeit und Zivilgesellschaft, 2014 gegründet von Helmut Melzer. Gemeinsam zeigen wir positive Alternativen in allen Bereichen auf und unterstützen sinnvolle Innovationen und zukunftsweisende Ideen – konstruktiv-kritisch, optimistisch, am Boden der Realität. Die Option-Community widmet sich dabei ausschließlich relevanten Nachrichten und dokumentiert die wesentlichen Fortschritte unserer Gesellschaft.

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