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Yemen: Salma and her family face Covid-19 reaching the camp they fled to | Oxfam GB | Oxfam UK

In Yemen, Salma and her family face additional difficulties with Covid-19 reaching the internally displaced people’s camp they now live in, having fled their home due to the ongoing conflict. Yemenis are battling a third wave of COVID, which threatens 99 per cent of the population who are unvaccinated. Muhsin Siddiquey, Oxfam’s in Yemen’s country director, said: “Yemen has one of the highest COVID fatality rates in the world – it simply can’t cope with this virus. The conflict has decimated the already fragile healthcare system. Many people are very weak because they can’t afford to feed themselves properly or to buy basic medicines. Others are unable to afford the cost of transportation to a medical centre because of the ongoing fuel crisis.
“Vaccination is a simple solution that would save lives, but the international community is failing the people of Yemen who need doses now. We need the vaccines that have been promised… Protecting lives should be more important than protecting the outsized profits of pharmaceutical corporations who have already made billions from this crisis.”
Oxfam is calling for vaccines for everyone, everywhere –


Written by Option

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