
UK's first zero waste pet food store

A pet food shop in a small village leads the way for zero waste pet food: Pets Pantry in Warrington, Cheshire recently introduced a Zero Waste Refill Station. Since August, people can either bring their own containers or get a reusable one for £1 in the shop and fill it with pet food or bird seed. The price depends on the weight.

The innovation is really a step back into the past. In the 1980’s, Pets Pantry used to have large seed bins in the shops that costumers could use to scoop pet food in paper bags, is Karen Dutton Hodgkins, one of the business partners told the “SO Stockton Heath” e-magazine. “Then along came plastic options and like all shopkeepers they were told this was the way forward.” Karen believes that they are “the first pet store to introduce a zero-waste refill option for pet food.”

How easy it is to buy zero waste in their shop shoes a video:

Pets Pantry Zero Waste Station Guide

See our brand new Zero Waste Station in action. Get a detailed guide on how to use it here.

Image: Pixabay

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Written by Sonja

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