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Oxfam response to UK vaccine shortages | Oxfam UK

Responding to the news today that the UK is facing vaccine shortages Anna Marriott, Oxfam Health Policy Manager, said:

“The reason the UK and other nations are facing vaccine shortages is because a small number of pharmaceutical corporations have been granted monopolies over their production.

“These companies cannot produce enough, leading to widespread, avoidable shortages that will cost lives. This artificial rationing is hitting poor countries hardest but is hurting us all and is being allowed to happen despite much of the vaccine discovery and production being funded by tax payers. Instead of blocking proposals that would ensure successful vaccine recipes are shared with every qualified vaccine producer, the Government should be championing them – especially given overwhelming public support.

“This is an unprecedented health emergency and it is time to put the safety of our loved ones ahead of the interests of a few pharma corporations.”

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