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Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: How to Dismantle this Injustice | Amnesty UK

This panel discussion is the chance to learn more about Israeli apartheid as well as what can be done to dismantle Israel’s racist system of oppression and domination against Palestinians.

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Panelists include:

Raji Sourani – Director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights @RajiSourani @pchrgaza
Hagai El-Ad – Director of B’Tselem @HagaiElAd @btselem
Agnes Callamard – Secretary General of Amnesty International @AgnesCallamard

Nina Navid – Chair


00:00:00 Nina Navid – Introductions
00:01:40 Agnes Callamard – Overview of Amnesty’s Report by
00:20:16 Raji Sourani – How Can We Dismantle the System of Apartheid?
00:47:40 Hagai El-Ad
01:02:45 Q&A – Questions – Round 1
01:07:50 Q:-How To Tackle The Fear Of Speaking Out? A. Hagai El-Ad
01:07:50 Q: Role of Social Media? A. Raji Sourani
01:18:51 Q&A – Questions – Round 2
01:21:56 Q. How Did Amnesty Respond to Media Dismissal? A. Agnes Callamard
01:28:30 Summary by Hagai El-Ad
01:29:40 Summary by Agnes Callamard – What Can We Do Now
01:32:45 Summary by Raji Sourani


Written by Option

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