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Belarus: The death penalty in Europe | Amnesty UK

Belarus is the only country in Europe and the former Soviet Union still applying the death penalty.

Gennadii Yakovitskii was executed in Belarus in 2016. His family have been tormented with questions as they struggle to understand what happened.

Yakovitskii’s daughter Sasha explains that she hadn’t even known that Belarus had capital punishment in its justice system until her father – accused of murder – was actually in court.

Belarus must stop the secrecy surrounding the use of the death penalty. Executions continue to be carried out in strict secrecy and without giving any notice to the condemned prisoners, their families or legal representatives.

At least two people have been executed in Belarus so far this year, while four others remain on death row.

End the death penalty.

Join our Anti-Death Penalty Project for news and updates on the campaign:


Written by Option

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